Lazar Gosic Portrait
👋 Hi I'm Lazar Gosic

I'm an developer located in Switzerland

Tha goal of this library is to calculate the mana source requirements (lands and mana generating artifacts) of a regular EDH/Commander deck in the trading card game Magic: the Gathering.

API Setup

It's a simple API written in .NET 6 with only two endpoints, one of which is only used for testing purposes. This way any client can call the API and implement it the way they see fit. I chose to do it with a Discord bot. See this repository on how it works and try it out yourself!

API Call


POST: host:port/


Decklist string array of the entire deck Ignorelands string array of lands that should be ignored (in case user does not own this particular land)

Endpoint for making a simple get request and ensuring the server is running correctly:


GET /api/ping/

curl -i -H 'Accept: application/json' http://host:port/api/ping/


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Status: 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    id: 1,
    name: "Ping successful"

Endpoint to request mana base suggestion:


POST /api/manabase/

curl -i -H 'Accept: application/json' -d 
'decklist=["Card 1","Card 2"]&ignorelands=["Badlands"]' http://host:port/api/manabase/


HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Status: 200 Created
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/json

        "error": null,
        "averageManaValue": "2.345",
        "relevantCardList": [
            "Card A",
            "Card B",
            "Card C"
        "cardsNotFound": [],
        "excludedCards": [
            "Card X",
            "Card Y",
            "Card Z"
        "removedLands": [
            "Land 1",
            "Land 2"
        "sources": [
            "1 Land A",
            "2 Land B"
        "sourcesCount": 2,
        "colorRequirementsErrors": [
            "Ignoring hybrid mana cost of this card",
        "colorRequirements": [
                "color": "b",
                "amount": 33,
                "amountFulfilled": 33,
                "isFulfilled": true,
                "cardResponsible": "Card Alpha"
                "color": "g",
                "amount": 29,
                "amountFulfilled": 33,
                "isFulfilled": true,
                "cardResponsible": "Card Beta"
        "manarockRatio": {
            "landsWithoutRocks": 38,
            "minMv": 2.08,
            "maxMv": 2.4,
            "manaRocks": 6,
            "lands": 35

Response contents

Property Message
error If calculation throws an error, this is where it is shown
averageManaValue Average mana value of deck
relevantCardList All the cards that are "relevant" to the calculation (some cards are excluded, based on methodology)
cardsNotFound Cards that are not found (typo?)
excludedCards Cards taht are excluded because they are not required for calculation
removedLands Lands that were removed prior to calculation in case user forgot to take them out
sources Suggested sources
sourcesCount How many sources there are
colorRequirementsErrors If a card is NOT taken into account when it comes to calculations, this is where it is shown why
colorRequirements Color requirements for each color
manarockRatio How many lands and mana rocks are needed


The full readme including the methodology how the calculations are made can be found here on the GitHub project repository.